15. 2. 2022
A tým
Filip Hraba

Přinášíme Vám rozhovor s nejlepším střelcem Kooperativa NBL Torinem Dornem!

Střelecký král od Vajgaru

Před zítřejším domácím utkáním, jsme pro Vás připravili rozhovor s nejlepším střelcem ligy Torinem Dornem. Ke svým střeleckým výkonům je Torin také hráčem, který má nejvyšší validitu na zápas! Příkládáme malou ochutnávku, celý článek si můžete přečíst na Jindřichohradeckém deníku a HradecŽije ZDE nebo ZDE

" Fanouškům chci vzkázat, že si velmi vážím jejich projevené podpory. Uvědomuji si, že je pro ně složité, když jejich tým nehraje na úrovni, na kterou má. Stejně tak to vnímá hráč a zvláště takový hráč, kterému záleží na basketbalu a na produktu, který přináší na hřiště. Osobně jsem se oddal basketbalu, chci být ten nejlepší hráč, jakým můžu být a doufám, že to můj styl hry ukazuje. Zejména v této části sezóny potřebujeme Vaší podporu, většina velkých věcí mívá pomalý start a budování silného týmu není žádnou výjimkou. Věřím, že předchozí část sezóny bude jen výmol na cestě v budování skvělého basketbalového klubu v Jindřichově Hradci."


We're bringing you an interview with the top scorer of the league Torin Dorn today! Torin is also a player with the highest effectivity per game in our league. Without further ado, we're bringing you the whole interview in english.

Hi Torin, you came to Jindřichův Hradec before this season, what were your "first steps" in basketball (when did you start with basketball) and how did your career develop through the years?

I started playing basketball when I was a kid maybe five or six years old. I always played other sports as well like football baseball golf and I ran track but when I got to college I exclusively played basketball and that was my path to becoming a basketball player.

Right from the beggining you proved you qualities, how did you adjust to KNBL and how do you rate the league quality comparing it to, for example, Polish league, where you also played?

I think it’s a pretty good league. there are definitely some good players and some good teams in his league as well I just try to go out every night and play as hard as I can and hopefully my talents will show through the way that Iplay.

You are one of the best, if not the best, players in 1 on 1 situations. Can this be learned or is it partially also "gift from God"?

For me I think being a good one on one player comes from creativity and repetition. I have a younger brother that I’ve been competing with my whole life so I’ve played one on one for countless hours and I also have a very creative brain and I think that helps as well. Being able to read situations in a one on one environment and think of creative ways to beat someone.

What do you think about the fact, that you are the best scorer in the league and also in other stats you rate pretty high?

Honestly I just go out every night and play as hard as I can on both ends of the floor and let the numbers and stats take care of themself. I try to do everything I can in the best of my abilities to help my team and that is go hard on both ends of the floor.

You were slowed down by an injury. How did it happen and is it all healed now?

My injury was just a freak thing I was going out for a rebound on the first play of the Brno game in one of their Bigs was coming down and elbowedmy hand. I thought maybe I dislocated the finger so I play the rest of the game but then after the game I got an x-ray and confirmed that it was broken. It’s really was just a freak accident. The bone is healed now yes.

Jindřichův Hradec has always been known for a great fan base. How did you get used to the city and its inhabitants? And what about your teammates?

What I think places like this intimate communities always have good fan bases you see that even in college in America. I think this town is full of great people are working people and I enjoy my teammates as well.

What do you like to do in your free time when you don't practice or play basketball?

When I’m not practicing or playing basketball at try to unwind by writing, filming videos for my platform Speak Victory and talking to my friends andfamily back home of course.

We are in the most important part of the season, what would you say to our fans?

I just want say to the fans that I appreciate all the support this far. I know it’s tough as a fan when your team is it performing to the level that they are capable of. That is equally hard as a player especially one that cares about the game and about the product that’s put on the floor. Personally I’ve dedicated myself to the game of basketball and being the best player possible and I hope the way that I play shows that. We need your continue support down the stretch, most great things have a slow start and building a good team is no different. Hopefully this will just be a bump in the road to building JH into a big time basketball team in the future.

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